GB Overprints Society

East Africa Forces postal stationery

Note: the numbering system used below is copyright © GBOS, and may not be used without permission.

This is a simplified listing. The imprinted 3d stamp represented the special basic rate for servicemen in active service. Only the size "G2" was issued without the EAF overprint. Apart from items with "specimen" overprints, no unused examples of the EAF overprinted items are recorded.


Registered envelopes

EAF registered envelope EAF registered envelope stamp

SR1-4 King George VI. 3d green envelope overprinted "E.A.F.", "FEE  PAID" at lower left. 28 March 1945. Sizes F, G2, H, K.

EAF registered envelope type II

SR5-9 as above but "Registration Fee.....d. paid" at lower left. 13 October 1945. Sizes F, G, H, K.

For the envelope overprinted "BMA Somalia" as well as "EAF" see under Somalia.

Note: proposals similar overprints on stationery for MEF for use in Cyrenaica were not implemented.

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page last updated: 16 June 2009, 20 May 2012

gbos: GB Overprints Society