Bechuanaland Protectorate postal stationery
Note: the numbering system used below is copyright © GBOS, and may not be used without permission.
This is a simplified listing.
BC1 Queen Victoria. ½d green overprinted "BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE" below the inscription. 1905.
BC2 Queen Victoria. 1d red overprinted "BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE" obliterating "GREAT BRITAIN & IRELAND". 1901.
BC3 King Edward VII, ½d, overprinted as No. BC1 above. 1907.
BC4 as above buit without the instructions below the crest. (1908?)
BC5 King Edward VII. 1d, overprinted as No. BC2 above, 1907.
BC6 King George V, ½d, Downey head, overprinted as above. 1913.
BC7 King George V, ½d side profile head, overprinted "BECHUANALAND" up the left side of the impressed stamp and "PROTECTORATE" down the right. 1921.
Registered envelopes
BR1-2 King Edward VII. 2d+1d brown registration envelope with large "R" at top left, overprinted "DUTY 4d" across the impressed stamp and "BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE" across back flap. 1906. Sizes F, G.
BR3-4 as above but space for registration label at top left instead of "R". 1907. Sizes F, G.
BR5 as above but overprinted "BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE" above the impressed stamp instead of on the back flap and "DUTY 4d" below the impressed stamp. 1908. Sizes F, G.
BR6-8 King George V, otherwise as No. BR3-4 above; curved or square flap edges. 1913. Sizes F, G.
BR9-10 as above but on 3½d (2d+1½d) blue stamp. Sizes F,G.
BR11-12 as above but "DUTY 5½D" on 4d (2d+2d) green stamp, 1920. sizes F, G.
BR13 as above but on 5d (3d+2d) red stamp. Size G.
BR14 4½d purple stamp, overprinted "BECHUANALAND" up the left side of the impressed stamp and "PROTECTORATE" down the right. 1925. Size G.
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page last updated: 1 January 2007, 21 May 2012, 23 July 2012, 8 May 2013
gbos: GB Overprints Society