GB Overprints Society

Somalia postal stationery

Note: the numbering system used below is copyright © GBOS, and may not be used without permission.

This is a simplified listing. Items in size F have only been recorded unused, and the other sizes have only been recorded used (apart from some with "specimen" overprint). Earlier issues are shown under EAF, and the numbering here continues from that listing.


Registered envelopes

Somalia registered envelope, type I

SR10 King George VI. 5d brown envelope with instructions beginning "NO COMPENSATION", overprinted "B.M.A. Somalia" in 2 lines at the top of the impressed stamp and "40 CENTS" at the foot. Issue date probably 9 November 1948, along with the items below. Size F (other sizes may exist).

Somalia registered envelope, type II  Somalia registered detail 96 

SR11-14 as above but instructions beginning "THIS LETTER MUST". 9 November 1948. Sizes F, G, H, K.

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page last updated: 19 May 2009, 21 May 2012 

gbos: GB Overprints Society