GB Overprints Society

Levant (British currency) postal stationery

Note: the numbering system used below is copyright © GBOS, and may not be used without permission.
This is a simplified listing.

Overprinted "LEVANT"



Levant (UK) Edward 7 1d card with inscr

LC1 King Edward VII. 1d red card. "THIS SIDE FOR THE ADDRESS" as bottom instruction. 1905. 

Levant (UK) 1d with inscr reply card outward  Levant (UK) 1d with inscr reply card reply half

LC2 ditto, 1d+1d red reply-paid card. 1905.

Levant (UK) Edward 7 1d card Arms over I no instr

LC3-4 as above but "THIS SIDE FOR THE ADDRESS" removed. Arms centred over "I". 1908.

LC5 ditto, 1d+1d red reply-paid card. 1908. (no image available)


Normal: Levant (UK) Edward 7 card stamp Local: Levant (UK) Edward 7 1d card local opt

LC6 ditto but local overprint 11½mm long

Levant (UK) Edward 7 1d card Arms over A no inscr

LC7 layout at the top changed, coat of arms narrower, centred over "A", and doesn't overlap the end of "BRITAIN". 1911. 

Levant (UK) George 5 card

LC8 King George V. 1d red, Downey head. 1912.

One copy of LC9 King George V 1d+1d red reply-paid card is known, and may be an essay.


Newspaper wrappers

Normal: Levant (UK) Edward 7 wrapper  Local: Levant (UK) Edward 7 wrapper local

LW1-2 King Edward VII. ½d green. 1905.

LW3 as above, local overprint 15.5 * 2.5 mm with full stop. The normal overprint is 13½mm long. 1911.

Levant (UK) George 5 wrapper
LW4 King George V. ½d green. 1912.

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page last updated: 16 July 2006, 22 May 2012, 12 Nov 2012 

gbos: GB Overprints Society