GB Overprints Society

Kuwait postal stationery

Note: the numbering system used below is copyright © GBOS, and may not be used without permission.

This is a simplified listing. The only postal stationery overprinted for use in Kuwait was airletters. The airletters overprinted for the other Gulf states were also valid for use in Kuwait.


Air letters

Kuwait G6 airletter 96

KA1 King George VI. Purple air letter overprinted "KUWAIT 6 annas". June 1952.

Kuwait stat coronation airletter 200 Kuwait stat coronation airletter type II detail 200

KA2 Queen Elizabeth. Red coronation air letter overprinted "KUWAIT 6 ANNAS". The imprinted stamp is inscribed "2 JUNE 1953", the date of the coronation, instead of "sixpence". 3 June 1953.

Kuwait airletter 6A

KA3 Queen Elizabeth. Red air letter, imprinted stamp reads "SIXPENCE" instead of date. 2-line instructions on the rear begin "If anything is enclosed...". January 1954.

KA4-6 as above but instructions on the rear changed to 3 lines beginning "An air letter should not contain...". 1955.

Kuwait airletter 40np

KA7 Overprint "KUWAIT 40 NP", decimal currency. 1957.

The "30np" overprint used in the other Gulf states was not used in Kuwait as the country used its own airletters before the rate reduction came into effect.

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page last updated: 16 July 2006, 20 May 2012 

gbos: GB Overprints Society