GB Overprints Society

GBOS Library holdings: Morocco Agencies, Tangier, Gibraltar

(NP)= "non-philatelic material"
Note: see also holdings in the "miscellaneous" list, which may include relevant material.

Book No Title Author and type
3, 54 Morocco Agencies. RH Sampson
4 Gibraltar, the Story of, and her Stamps JL Rodriguez
7 Morocco Local Post: Extracts from "Handbook of Local Posts", 1950. EF Hurt and LNM Williams
24 Auction Catalogue: Basel 11 March 1970 Morocco: Spanish, G.B., German PO's and Italian PO's in Tunisia. Robson Lowe
32 The Local Posts of Morocco. Extract from Postal History International, Vol.4 No.5/6. A Leslie Leon
46, 55, 56, 57 British Post Offices and Agecies in Morocco 1857-1898. Dr RK Clough
79 King Edward VIII [including Morocco Agencies overprints]  AJ Kirk
96, 97 The 1935 Silver Jubilee Issue of GB Alastair Hacket
120 Lords of the Atlas. Gavin Maxwell
Book (large)
121 British Post Offices and Agecies in Morocco 1857-1907 and Local Posts 1891-1914. Dr RK Clough
127 Things seen in Morrocco 1929. LE Bickerstaffe
128 Holiday in Morocco Published Jan 1955. Major FH Mellor
138, 139 The Overprints on King Edward VIII Issues of Great Britain. GBOS Study Paper 3C. See GBOS list Tony Bishop, GBOS
157 The Overprinted Edward VII Issues of Great Britain 1907-1913. GBOS Study Paper. See GBOS list MH Gellatly and MK Wlodarczyk, GBOS
159 Auction Catalogue: Soler y Llach 22 March 1994, Mexico 1856-1863 and Historia Postal de Marruecos Morocco Agencies Postal History
166 "Morocco That Was" an eye witness account of Morocco around 1912 Walter Harris
167 The Local and Private Posts of Morocco Jean Haik, SPLM Publications
Book. Donated by Author
168 British Post Offices and Agencies in Morocco 1857 - 1901. An illustrated collection of covers, post cards, etc. of the period. Cyril Metliss
169 Posted in Gibraltar, An illustrated Postal History on Gibraltar  W Hine Haycock
Donated by Philip E. Robinson
172 Auction Catalogue 12th June 1998, "Gibraltar and Morocco", The Dr. Ken Clough Collection. Cavendish
Booklet. Donated by Peter Thornton
174 Morocco by the Bland Line General information, about 1920's Photocopied pages, 78pp
175 Historical Dictionary of Morocco, 1980 William Spencer
Photocopied pages, 152pp
176 Auction Catalogue: 31 May 1983, Europe & America; British Europe including Gibraltar used in Morocco Robson Lowe
includes photocopies of lots Gibraltar used in Morocco
185 GBOS Study Paper 7, British Period 1907 57. See GBOS list D Stotter GBOS
187 Auction Catalogue: 12 June 1998, Gibraltar and Morocco featuring The Dr Ken Clough Collection Cavendish
188 The Cancellations and Handstamps of the Cherifian Post Jaques Benezra, SPLM Publications
Donated by Jean Haik
189 Gold Medal Exhibit Chicagopex 1994 Formed by Larry Gardner Illinois USA Photocopies of the Exhibit
194 Tangerine, A Childs Letters from Morocco 1907 (NP) Edited T E Waltham
195 Moroccan Journal (NP) Ron Landau
196 Invitation to Morocco (NP) Ron Landau
197 A Traveller’s History of North Africa (NP) Barnaby Rogerson
201 The British Post Office Service in Morocco 1907-57 Dr David Stotter, Postal History Society and GBOS
*heavy book
206 The British Post Office Service in Morocco 1749-1906 Richard Garcia, Postal History Society, BPT and GBOS
*heavy book
212 Gibraltar & Morocco Agencies Postal History, 28th September 2000 Argyll Etkin
Auction Catalogue
224 Morocco, 1965 (NP) Neville Barbour
228 Morocco, Blue Guide,  2nd Edition 1992 (NP)

Jane Holliday

229 Gibraltar Guide including Map, undated (NP) Gibraltar Tourist Office
230 Morocco, Collins Independent Travellers Guide, 1990 (NP) Christine Osborne
241 British Empire, 31st May 1983: Section on Gibraltar & Morocco Agencies Robson Lowe
Auction Catalogue
243 The Stamps & Cancels of the German Colonies & German Post Offices abroad, German Offices in Morocco Albert Friedemann
Small Booklet
252 British Empire A Specialised Stamp Sale 21st April 1971 “Banquir” collection of Morocco Agencies Robson Lowe
Auction Catalogue
255 Seven issues between No 1214, 1246 January, September 1937, various Morocco Agencies articles Stamp collecting
257 The Stamps of Morocco Agencies, Part V Overprinted King Edward VIII, March 1959. Vol LXVIII, No 796

R.H. Sampson
The London Philatelist

258 The Post Office Buildings in Tangier; May-June 1979 Vol 88 No 1037-38 Francis Kiddle
The London Philatelist
301 Volume 37 No 6 March 1971, details of a Morocco Auction The Philatelist


Bound copies shown with asterisk

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