GB Overprints Society

GBOS Library holdings: British Levant

Note: see also holdings in the "miscellaneous" list, which may include relevant material.


Book No Title Author and type
9 Stamps of the Levant Post Office, chapter V: "Great Britain" DB Armstrong
11,40,62 Stamps of the Levant Post Office DB Armstrong
Book reprint
23 Auction Catalogue: Basel 10 October 1969, including Alexandria, Syria, Levant, French, German, Greek, Italian and Russian PO's. Robson Lowe
25 Auction Catalogue: Basel 25 October 1973, including Levant, Austrian, GB, French, German, Greek, Italian and Russian PO's. Robson Lowe
26 Auction Catalogue: "The Burrus Collection", Levant, Turkey & Morocco Robson Lowe
34 War stamps of Salonika & Long Island Fred J Melville
42 Army and field P.O.'s of Egypt and the E.E.F. 1914 to 1920. Michael Sacher
51 "Long Un" - "A Damn Bad Soldier" (Author's account of experiences in Levant) Bernard Livermore
Book (large)
118 Auction Catalogue: 9 February 1985, Specialised British Empire including British Levant Cavendish Philatelic Auctions
177 Study Paper 2 See GBOS list Richard Malim
205 The History and Postal History of the town of Smyrna up to the end of the Greek period Wolf Dinslage, translated by Robert Wightman, book
209 British Commonwealth & British Levant 10-11th April 1991 Auction Catalogue Stanley Gibbons


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